Want to improve your e-mails to clients?

By Staff | June 13, 2012 | Last updated on June 13, 2012
1 min read

Ever wonder why some of your e-mails to clients go unanswered? Maybe you forgot to follow these suggestions from investment writer Susan B. Weiner.

In her blog, she outlines how important it is to simplify client e-mails, put action items at the top, and emphasize the WIIFM—What’s In It For Me—for your client.

“Do not assume what is important to you, as the advisor, is the same thing that is important to the reader,” she says. “Narrow your importance and simplify the message.”

Read: How To Improve Your Business

Here are some other tips when writing emails.

  • Streamline the polite social chat, so you can hit the action item quickly.
  • Shorten sentences.
  • Call to follow up rather than wait for a client to call you—you’ll have a higher success rate.

Read: Juicing Your E-mail

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