To Clients: Managing debt (updated)

By Staff | February 10, 2009 | Last updated on February 10, 2009
2 min read

Dear [Client’s name]:

With a volatile economy and turbulent markets, we know that managing your finances is top of mind more than ever before. But just because the news is full of financial doom and gloom doesn’t mean you need to do something drastic. In fact, your situation could be better than you think.

To get a full understanding of where your finances are, I suggest meeting with me to discuss some of the following:

Budget management

I can work with you to create a household budget that will help you establish control over your finances. Together we can determine what current expenditures need to be eliminated or adjusted so you can achieve your short-term goals.

Debt management

I can help you come up with a strategy for eliminating debt. For example, are you paying too much on your credit cards and loans? Instead of paying 18% to 20% interest for consumer debt, it may make sense to consolidate your loans for a much lower rate – perhaps as little as 6%, depending on your credit history and current financial situation.

If you think a move like this could help free up money you need for other things, I’d be happy to explain your options and refer you to a loan officer or mortgage specialist who can be of assistance.

Investment options

With markets at the lowest level they’ve been in years, now could be the right time to add to your investments or get back in the market. We’ll discuss the different options that could work for you, including putting money in the new Tax-Free Savings Account.

Job-loss planning

Even if your job is secure, it’s never a bad thing to make a plan in case your company downsizes. We can determine how a severance payment should be used, how you might upgrade your skills and how much to save in case of an emergency.

If there are things you would like to accomplish, don’t delay. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at the number above.


[Your signature]

[Your name]

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(02/10/09) staff


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