The Amazing True Story of One of History’s Most Extraordinary Con Men – Courtesy of Mackenzie Financial

By Staff | December 2, 2002 | Last updated on December 2, 2002
1 min read

By the age of 21, Frank Abagnale had already amassed an impressive list of employment credentials for his resume. Among his past positions: airline pilot, doctor, lawyer and university professor. Not bad for a high school dropout with no legitimate qualifications in any of those fields. In reality, his true talents lay in forgery and confidence schemes. Between 1964 and 1970, he cashed $2.5 million in fraudulent cheques in every US state and 26 foreign countries, making him one of the most notorious and successful con artists in US history. Little wonder that Steven Spielberg is making a movie about him…

For more on Frank Abagnale’s exploits, read the full review of Catch Me If You Can.

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