Surviving the digital age

By Staff | November 4, 2010 | Last updated on November 4, 2010
3 min read

The digital age is full of possibilities and pitfalls. If you don’t adapt and keep up with the changes, you and your business could get left behind. Aquaint yourself with the tech news, information and the tools which will give you the edge over the competition.

Social Media

Follow the money, embrace social media

By Vikram Barhat

Mention social media to most advisors and they are more likely to think of their kids tweeting about the latest Justin Bieber track, rather than their high-net worth investors (HNWI).

The social media debate

By John Powell

Spending limits lead to financial clarity. Debt as a retirement tool. Keeping recreational spending in check. Slowing down spending to speed up wealth creation.

Seven steps to social media engagement

By Jay Palter

Social media tools and technology are rapidly emerging as essential places for trusted advisors and practice professionals to build their reputation and expand their business networks.

Social media report a wake-up call

By John Powell

It should be no surprise that women are beginning to dominate the social media landscape.

Social media to reboot financial advice

By John Powell

It should be no surprise that women are beginning to dominate the social media landscape.

Identification Fraud

Value of ID theft insurance

By Nancy Turner

Total reported dollar losses associated with identity theft are rising annually in Canada, with the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre recording a rather alarming 68% increase from $6.47 million in 2007 to $10.88 million in 2009.

Preventing ID fraud

By Vikram Barhat

Discovering that personal information has been stolen to carry out fraudulent acts can be overwhelming to a victim, and render him or her incapable, physically and emotionally, of unravelling the wreckage.

Tools and Utilities

Tech every advisor needs – Part 1

By Mathieu Paradis

There are a few pieces of technology I just can’t live without when conducting business – and surprisingly a Blackberry doesn’t make the list.

Tech every advisor needs – Part 2

By Mathieu Paradis In Part 1 we covered three pieces of technology that have paid for themselves several times over. Here are four more that have also had such a big impact on our practice that we just can’t live without them.

What’s in your inbox?

By Alison MacAlpine

About 247 billion e-mails crackle across global Internet networks every day, according to The Radicati Group, Inc.

Business and Finance

What Tech Wreck?

By Nancy Turner A cursory look at the technology industry’s performance over the last decade suggests the sector has been sucking wind since the tech bubble burst in 2000.

Technology can drive savings

By Gena Katz The rewards for employing technology include business efficiency and enhanced personal communication. Even the tax system provides benefits to those who embrace the cyber world.

Embracing technology boosts business

By Vikram Barhat Social media promises sweeping changes in the financial market as it revolutionizes the financial learning habits of young Canadian investors.

Next gen clients are online

By Philip Porado In our circles, the subject of where the next generation of advisors will come from is discussed quite frequently.

Untapped market awaits online

By Bryan Borzykowski Four years ago, Jack Simons had a blow-out with his financial advisor. staff


The staff of have been covering news for financial advisors since 1998.