South Korean women shatter glass ceiling

By Martha Porado | August 31, 2012 | Last updated on August 31, 2012
1 min read

Earlier this year, three long-time Samsung employees were promoted to executive positions.

Read: Investing in you: The glass ceiling is yours to break

They were among the first women hired after Samsung stopped gender discriminatory hiring practices in 1992, reports B.J. Lee for the Daily Beast.

Now 56,000 women work at Samsung, which is still only a quarter of the total workforce. And only 2% of Samsung’s executives are women, well behind Hewlett-Packard with 18% and a woman CEO.

Read: Are women reluctant to compete?

Only 49% of married women in Korea work outside the home.

“It is a huge waste not to use highly educated women in Korea,” Kim Tae-hong, of the Korean Women’s Development Institute told Daily Beast. “Korea’s economic growth potentials are greatly undermined by the lack of sufficient female workers, particularly corporate executives.”

Read: Women are now breadwinners

Martha Porado