Sharpen your prospecting skills

By Staff | April 10, 2013 | Last updated on April 10, 2013
2 min read

Reeling in new clients is always top-of-mind, and every advantage counts. How good are you at the timeless art of prospecting?

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or an up-and-comer, there’s always something to learn. Use these popular articles to hone your skills.

How to stake out prospects

Using a variation of the Seinfeld stakeout is an easy and fun way to meet prospective clients – and it works. A bank president I interviewed told me he used this method back in his days as a loan officer. He still uses it today.

Nine ways to generate new clients

Prospecting is the lifeblood of any small business. Nobody knows that better than us financial professionals. And it doesn’t have to be a time-consuming and demeaning experience. When done well, prospecting is much more than selling—it’s about qualifying potential clients and building relationships.

Help prospects leave their advisors

Why isn’t a prospect signing on with you? She clearly likes you and your proposals, but she doesn’t take the next step. If she’s working with another advisor she probably doesn’t know how to end the relationship.

Private clubs and social prospecting

Private clubs aren’t nearly as exclusive as they used to be. But if you belong to one you know what hasn’t changed: you are surrounded by successful people and old money.

First Person: Lessons from unsuccessful prospecting

I was delighted when a client referred his former colleague (I’ll call her Clara) to me. Not only was this a vote of confidence in our relationship, but Clara sounded like an ideal prospect for my business.

Prospecting tips from group RRSP pros

The best part about prospecting for group RRSP business is you don’t have to look far to start. staff


The staff of have been covering news for financial advisors since 1998.