Relax over the holidays

By Staff | December 9, 2013 | Last updated on December 9, 2013
2 min read

Business owners have a hard time balancing their work and personal lives.

But as Christmas approaches, most (78%) focus more on finding time to relax, says a quarterly small business monitor released by American Express. Owners also encourage staff to put work on the backburner during the holidays.

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Leading up to December, says the study, the majority of business owners (73%) offer more flexible hours to those wanting to participate in seasonal activities. Even better, almost half of businesses (40%) close their doors until the New Year.

“Owners are…recognizing the need for work-life balance for themselves [and] their employees,” says Athena Varmazis, general Manager of small business services at American Express Canada. This helps them maintain a positive work environment.

For some owners, however, it can be hard to disconnect from work, finds the study. Since many owners want to be available at all times, more than half (58%) feel guilty when they take time off. Additionally, 63% admit to checking their phones at least once a day when on vacation.

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As a result of this behaviour, nearly half (48%) of owners have suffered from work-related stress over the past year. Part of the problem, says Varmazis, is they “often view their business as a passion rather than as work.”

On the bright side, executives are actively implementing new tactics to better encourage work-life balance amongst employees. For example, many business owners (66%) say staff not taking all of their allotted vacation days can lead to a drop in morale. As a result, they’re limiting the number of days that can be carried over into the next year. They’re also reminding staff about their remaining days throughout the current year.

Further, more than half of business owners (53%) find promoting work-life balance within their company helps them attract new talent and keep current employees.


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