Put the

By Barry LaValley | December 17, 2002 | Last updated on December 17, 2002
5 min read
  • Your approach to your client relationship
  • The services you provide, written from a client perspective
  • An easy way for clients to remember what you do for them

Put the "life" in your practice in 2003 — previous stories

  • Developing your mission statement and value proposition

  • Creating your communications strategy
  • Keep company separate

    It’s important to note that your brand is not your company’s brand. Too many advisors let their company dictate the brand and then try to build a separate relationship with the client based on this brand. The problem with this approach is that an advisor-client relationship is a very personal one. If it is to persist, you have to create a separate identity that tells or reminds the client why he deals with you.

    Communicating your brand

    Many advisors use a business card and a list of products or services in an attempt to create an identity in the mind of the client or prospect. Business cards are not effective as a marketing tool because they force the advisor to put “left-brain” or non-emotional descriptions of products or services on the card. Outside the tag line, how much can you really communicate on a business card?

    Some advisors have opted to use a simple brochure as their business card and then to write text aimed at client emotion and “right-brain” or emotional thinking. The advantage of a brochure is that you can personalize it and really get to the essence of what you stand for, what your clients can expect of you and how you can help them. These brochures don’t have to be fancy and it is fairly easy to make them compliant with your firm’s regulations.

    Finding your own battlefield

    The key to marketing yourself and your practice is to find ways to look different from everyone else. This may mean focusing on how you deliver your services rather than on what you deliver. Remember that today’s client and prospect needs a way to identify or label you. Deciding on what that label should be is the key to creating a successful marketing strategy.

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    Be sure to check back to the Practice Zone for the fourth part of this series where Barry looks at some individual marketing programs and how you can create an image for yourself.

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    Barry LaValley is president of LaValley Communications and a partner in The Centre For Retirement Success. His company provides advisors in Canada and the U.S. with information on how to create a life planning focus in their practice and use it to differentiate themselves in the marketplace. He also conducts client workshops on life planning and the 10 key factors of a successful retirement. Barry helped author a new book entitled Your Clients for Life along with American authors Mitch Anthony and Carol Anderson that is available in book stores or through Barry’s Web site. Barry can be reached at barry@lavalleycommunications.com or through his Web site at www.lavalleycommunications.com.


    Barry LaValley

    • Your approach to your client relationship
    • The services you provide, written from a client perspective
    • An easy way for clients to remember what you do for them

    Put the "life" in your practice in 2003 — previous stories

  • Developing your mission statement and value proposition

  • Creating your communications strategy
  • Keep company separate

    It’s important to note that your brand is not your company’s brand. Too many advisors let their company dictate the brand and then try to build a separate relationship with the client based on this brand. The problem with this approach is that an advisor-client relationship is a very personal one. If it is to persist, you have to create a separate identity that tells or reminds the client why he deals with you.

    Communicating your brand

    Many advisors use a business card and a list of products or services in an attempt to create an identity in the mind of the client or prospect. Business cards are not effective as a marketing tool because they force the advisor to put “left-brain” or non-emotional descriptions of products or services on the card. Outside the tag line, how much can you really communicate on a business card?

    Some advisors have opted to use a simple brochure as their business card and then to write text aimed at client emotion and “right-brain” or emotional thinking. The advantage of a brochure is that you can personalize it and really get to the essence of what you stand for, what your clients can expect of you and how you can help them. These brochures don’t have to be fancy and it is fairly easy to make them compliant with your firm’s regulations.

    Finding your own battlefield

    The key to marketing yourself and your practice is to find ways to look different from everyone else. This may mean focusing on how you deliver your services rather than on what you deliver. Remember that today’s client and prospect needs a way to identify or label you. Deciding on what that label should be is the key to creating a successful marketing strategy.

    • • •

    Be sure to check back to the Practice Zone for the fourth part of this series where Barry looks at some individual marketing programs and how you can create an image for yourself.

    • • •

    Barry LaValley is president of LaValley Communications and a partner in The Centre For Retirement Success. His company provides advisors in Canada and the U.S. with information on how to create a life planning focus in their practice and use it to differentiate themselves in the marketplace. He also conducts client workshops on life planning and the 10 key factors of a successful retirement. Barry helped author a new book entitled Your Clients for Life along with American authors Mitch Anthony and Carol Anderson that is available in book stores or through Barry’s Web site. Barry can be reached at barry@lavalleycommunications.com or through his Web site at www.lavalleycommunications.com.
