Planning and Advice

You’re busted

Baby Busters. Gen-Xers. No matter what you call today’s adults in their 30s and early 40s, these are the people who’ll fi ll up your client books in the coming years. But advising Gen-Xers is not the same as advising people facing retirement or those just starting out their adult lives. Let’s consider the approaches […]

By Alexandra Macqueen |December 1, 2008

8 min read

Why CFP accreditation is important

While I commend the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada’s efforts to introduce a rule that will govern how member fi rms supervise fi nancial planning activities, the rule is too vague to be helpful. A better approach would be for those of us within the financial industry to view it from the public’s perspective. […]

By Cynthia J. Kett |December 1, 2008

3 min read

Four faces

Amidst market uncertainty, the largest generation of Canadians, the boomers, careens toward retirement. As such, the generational divide is widening and advisors face increased challenges. They’re often required to cater to clients in two, three, and even four separate cohorts (pre-boomer, 62 or older; boomers, 46 to 61 years old; Gen X, aged 30 to […]

By Tricia Benn |December 1, 2008

3 min read

Solvency statute

We have a ritual in my household. Every time a credit card company sends one of those sets of blank cheques and a letter promising the opportunity to buy anything our hearts desire, we do an impromptu dramatic reading. One of us will hold up the letter and recite, “Dear Mr. Porado, it has come […]

By Philip Porado |December 1, 2008

2 min read