How to break a bad mood

By Bryce Sanders | November 25, 2013 | Last updated on September 21, 2023
3 min read

We all have off days. Maybe business is slow or you’re in a prospecting slump. These ideas will help lift your mood.

1. Attitude: Each day is a blank canvas. When the alarm rings, nothing has happened to spoil your day. Start with a good attitude.

2. Smile: It’s infectious. It changes your attitude and conveys you’re in control and know what you’re doing.

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3. Exercise: If you belong to a gym, go before work. Interact with positive early risers. Exercising after work is a great way to relieve stress.

4. Get your shoes shined: Polished shoes get noticed. They also give confidence and make you feel good. Visit the local shoe repair shop, relax and emerge with shined shoes and a positive attitude.

5. Your desk: A messy desk implies disorganization—too many projects and not enough time. Spend a few minutes clearing the deck. This doesn’t mean elaborate spring-cleaning. Stack and store papers in your credenza and you’ll know where they are if you need them.

6. Cable TV: If your terminal or personal office TV is regularly tuned to a cable financial news channel, turn it off. It’s rarely good news. The commentators aren’t paying your salary.

7. Energize: Every office usually has upbeat, successful advisors. Often they mentor others. Ask for a few minutes of their time. It’s likely they’ve been through a similar time in the market that was followed by a happy ending.

8. Avoid: Every office also has negative folks who say, “I would never bring my child into this business.” Avoid them. They have a poor attitude and it brings others down.

9. Tough tasks first: Get the difficult jobs out of the way early. Is prospecting tough? Remember, like spins in roulette, each call is a separate instance with its own chance of success. Expecting a tough client conversation? Make the call yourself.

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10. Your best idea: Answer these three questions: What do you think the market will do? What’s the best investment clients can make under these circumstances? Why? Call some clients and tell them. Be confident.

11. Let them sell themselves: Call another client who hasn’t been doing business. Ask him, “What’s the best investment you ever made, and why?” While he’s making his case, look up where it’s trading, your firm’s opinion and breaking news. If things look good, say, “Lets add some more now.” (Exceptions are concentrated positions and control stock.)

12. Lunch outside: Don’t eat at your desk. It creates stress. Visit someplace new and have a pleasant meal. You’ll return recharged.

13. Observe other people: When the market is volatile we often think the world is panicking. When you’re outside the office, look at the people around you. Are people glued to TVs in store windows watching the financial news? Do they look anxious? No. They’re going about their usual daily business.

14. Keep a business journal: Every day build two lists – “Good Things that Happened Today,” and “Other Things that Happened Today.” The good list will often include plenty of conversations, interested clients or trades. Amazingly, the good list is often far longer. Reviewing is a useful way to follow up on opportunities.

15. What do you worry about? Build another private list. Write down all your business concerns, difficult client situations, etc. Review the list a week later. Often the bad things we dreaded never took place.

16. Reward yourself: Set a few small goals early in the day. If you hit one or more, buy yourself a drink on the way home or pick up flowers or a small gift for your spouse. It feels good.

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Bryce Sanders

Bryce Sanders is President of Perceptive Business Solutions Inc. in New Hope, PA. His book “Captivating the Wealthy Investor” is available on