HNW magnet: Positioning your practice beyond investment advice

By Arthur T. Sanchez | June 24, 2004 | Last updated on June 24, 2004
4 min read
  • What’s the first meeting with you like?
  • What’s the process from there?
  • How much contact will there be throughout the year?
  • Who do they contact with various issues or questions?

If you are looking to win over high-end prospects, the wealth management approach is a compelling one. At the very least, it puts you on a level playing field with many of your competitors. Depending on the type of team you are able to assemble and how well you are able to communicate the value and benefits of your approach to wealth management, it could also take your business to the next level.

As for existing clients, very few of them worry about your value as an advisor when the markets are up, but when the markets are uncertain or volatile, everyone worries. So the more solid and insulated your practice is because you handle all aspects of wealth management, the less likely your clients will leave.

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Art Sanchez is regional vice-president, Toronto region, for Manulife Investments. For more information on Manulife’s financial protection and wealth management products, please visit Art can be contacted directly at or (416) 436-7041.


Arthur T. Sanchez

  • What’s the first meeting with you like?
  • What’s the process from there?
  • How much contact will there be throughout the year?
  • Who do they contact with various issues or questions?

If you are looking to win over high-end prospects, the wealth management approach is a compelling one. At the very least, it puts you on a level playing field with many of your competitors. Depending on the type of team you are able to assemble and how well you are able to communicate the value and benefits of your approach to wealth management, it could also take your business to the next level.

As for existing clients, very few of them worry about your value as an advisor when the markets are up, but when the markets are uncertain or volatile, everyone worries. So the more solid and insulated your practice is because you handle all aspects of wealth management, the less likely your clients will leave.

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Art Sanchez is regional vice-president, Toronto region, for Manulife Investments. For more information on Manulife’s financial protection and wealth management products, please visit Art can be contacted directly at or (416) 436-7041.
