Helping you make the most of your meetings (A template)

By Staff | April 12, 2005 | Last updated on April 12, 2005
2 min read

Jim Rogers, chair of Vancouver-based Rogers Group Financial and an Advisor’s Edge Career Achievement Award honouree, uses a meeting guide in preparation for and during meetings with clients. It allows him to set down his objectives, make sure he has any relevant support material needed for the meeting and make notes—all in one document.

[Your company’s name and/or logo]

[This section of the guide contains basic information about the meeting and client. Rogers includes the client’s coffee or tea preference. This isn’t to show client that you have an excellent memory, but instead that you’ve taken the time to make note of it. If you have taken the time to do the little things right, people are more likely to assume you’ll do the big things right as well.]

Meeting Date/Time: Advisor:
Client Name 1: Client Name 2:
Client 1 Coffee/Tea Preference: Client 2 Coffee/Tea Preference:

[This section explains the purpose of the meeting, with possible footnotes made in the “Notes” portion of the guide.]

Annual Review Other:
Client Initiated Advisor Initiated

[Rogers uses this portion of the guide to request any support material he may require for the meeting. Such material can include quotations for annuities, insurance, stocks and bonds, research reports and other calculations and projections.]

Client File Statements Client Profile
NCAF (New Client Application Form) Financial Update
Quotes: Financial Planning Checklist
Meeting Tools: Other:
Previous annual review: Next annual review
Previous CCIR: Next CCIR:
Last time plan was updated: Next plan update:

We would like to thank Jim Rogers and Rogers Group Financial for providing the contents of this guide.

(04/15/05) staff


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