Get clients’ attention with memorable events

By Staff | April 22, 2013 | Last updated on April 22, 2013
2 min read

Hosting great events is one way to strengthen your ties with clients and their families and friends.

You’ll show them you care, as well as open the door to referrals by potentially spreading the word about your superior services.

Planning and executing an event takes more than a good idea, however. Before choosing whether you’ll host a dinner or seminar, for example, first set out how much you can spend and how many people you can accommodate on that budget.

If it’s going to be an annual event, always get feedback on ways the gathering can be improved for the next year. offers ten tips on events, including:

Think about headcount: Account for plus ones, and make sure to cap registration so you don’t deal with too many guests.

Offer private events: These are designed to target small or connected groups of clients. They could be your top clients to show appreciation, or those who are retired so you can focus on their specific questions and concerns.

Invite celebrity guests: One advisor invited the owner of a winery to help run a wine tasting.

Read more to check out the remaining tips and tricks.

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The staff of have been covering news for financial advisors since 1998.