Buyers and sellers: other related articles

By Staff | September 19, 2008 | Last updated on September 19, 2008
2 min read

(September 2008) Transitioning your business is a long process, and to further help you with the subject, we’ve combed through our database to find other related articles of interest.

Paid not to compete Proper procedure states that if you are buying a financial planning practice or “book” of business, you obtain a non-compete agreement to guarantee that the vendor won’t continue to solicit business from the client base that he or she has sold to you. Read more.

Tax on book sale Probably the most talked about tax topic among advisors is the tax treatment associated with the buying and selling of the advisor’s own practice. Read more.

Exit planning: Doing your due diligence Buying a practice or a book of business isn’t as simple as signing on the dotted line. If you want to make sure you’re getting the right deal, it’s mandatory that you conduct due diligence. But what exactly is due diligence and why does it need to be performed? Read more.

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Buyers and sellers: other related articles

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Exit planning: Building your own retirement plans When it comes to retirement, advisors are the first to tell their clients how important it is to plan for the future. But when it comes to their own practice, advisors often put their own succession planning off until the last minute. Read more.

Transitioning best practices Having a solid strategy and understanding your criteria for identifying and selecting potential candidates before starting your search will enable you to move quickly when you find the right candidate. To help develop that strategy, follow this roadmap. Read more.

Participate in our community forums Discuss buy and sell issues with your peers. Want to buy a book of clients? Or perhaps you’re the one looking for a buyer. Start your networking here, or just debate issues concerning business valuation. Click here to get started.

(09/25/08) staff


The staff of have been covering news for financial advisors since 1998.