5 ways to beat a prospecting slump

By Bryce Sanders | October 21, 2013 | Last updated on September 21, 2023
3 min read

You’re trying to reel in new clients, but none of the prospecting strategies you’ve used have worked. Give these strategies a try when you feel tapped out.

Read: Sharpen your prospecting skills

Lunch With Retiring Client

Which clients are leaving the workforce for a well-earned retirement in the next six months? Take each to lunch. Suggest they invite two or three colleagues retiring in the next twelve months.

Action: Toast your client’s retirement. Ask what she’ll be doing on day one.

Reaction: After explaining her plans she’ll probably thank you for helping make it all possible.

Result: An endorsement from a satisfied client in front of two others needing similar help.

Helping Job Seekers

Consider volunteering to help displaced executives find their next positions. Start by finding an executive outplacement service needing some help.

Action: Volunteer to teach people how to network, prospect and sell themselves to potential employers.

Reaction: Some will be employ your strategies and ultimately land a position.

Result: After they’re settled and the crisis has passed, they’ll remember who helped when they really needed it. Retirement assets from their previous employers may find a new home at your firm.

Pastors and Religious Leaders

They are respected influencers in the community. From time to time they’re approached by older parishioners who supplement their fixed incomes by rolling Certificates of Deposit. You may know of other investments consistent with their level of safety.

Action: Talk with your pastor about what you do and the type of people you can help.

Reaction: You have established yourself as a “go to” person, perhaps one of several.

Result: From time to time the pastor might refer a parishioner. You deliver stellar, ethical service and follow-up. He reports back to the pastor, and more referrals follow.

Read: Prospecting? Don’t be too obvious

Seminars and The Pulpit

You educate people about risks they might not understand. Do you have access to a public seminar on identity theft? Would it be a good fit for your parish or religious community?

Action: Approach your pastor and suggest an identity theft seminar.

Reaction: It’s publicized from the pulpit, in the bulletin and discreet signage in the vestibule. Your seminar in the parish hall is well attended.

Result: You’ve delivered a public service and positioned what you do with a receptive audience of fellow parishioners and neighbours. Your pastor will not appreciate energetic follow-up. Gauge receptivity and suggest a referral to a nearby parish or an additional topic at your home parish.

Homeowners Associations

The baby boomers are getting older. Many live in over 55 developments. Others live in gated communities with clubhouses and activities. It takes lots of work to keep the activity calendar filled.

Action: Build a list of homeowners associations in your market. Build another list of seminar topics you can deliver, ideally not product focused.

Reaction: The respect your firm name brings combined with the educational nature of some topics should get some bookings.

Result: You appear in front of an audience you didn’t need to assemble yourself. Registration card surveys identify other topics of additional interest, laying the groundwork for future seminars. People become comfortable with you. Some become clients.

Read: Prospecting on vacation

Bryce Sanders

Bryce Sanders is President of Perceptive Business Solutions Inc. in New Hope, PA. His book “Captivating the Wealthy Investor” is available on Amazon.com.