
Is your client cheating on you?

You know the signs: she won't return your phone calls and keeps cancelling meetings

By Staff |January 26, 2017

2 min read

4 new year’s resolutions for clients who want to age happily

When it comes to clients having a happy retirement, a fat nest egg and good health are great places to start. Sometimes, however, an out-of-date attitude about aging can prevent them from enjoying what should be a rewarding and fulfilling time of life. Here are four New Year’s resolutions that can help promote healthy aging. […]

By Camilla Cornell |January 26, 2017

2 min read

Clients want to shoot for the moon but don’t have financial plans

That desire to have it all is probably no surprise, but other survey findings might be.

By Staff |January 25, 2017

2 min read

Top tax credits and benefits for seniors

Use this list to help your senior clients ensure they claim the most common tax credits, deductions and benefits for which they’re eligible. Read: Essential tax numbers Read: Navigate RRSP attribution rules Read: CRA tweaks process for accessing online tax info of businesses

By Staff |January 18, 2017

2 min read