
Why this advisor went discretionary

Before Marco Gil moved to a discretionary platform, he had to know his ABCs.

By Melissa Shin |March 14, 2017

4 min read

Female investors also act as household CFOs, finds survey

Among Canadian women who hold investments, almost all (92%) say they’re either the primary or joint financial decision-makers in their households, finds a poll by CIBC. Further, more than half (54%) say they feel confident about investing. So far, so good. But what if that confidence is erroneously grounded in portfolios that are too conservative? […]

By Staff |March 13, 2017

2 min read

How to serve trans clients

You can grow your practice by serving trans clients. There are an estimated 180,000 trans Canadians. Trans people come from all classes and walks of life. They live in big cities and small. They have aspirations both grand and mundane, and they deserve financial advice from professionals who will treat them with understanding and respect. […]

By Jessica Bruno |March 10, 2017

11 min read

How to switch firms and thrive

If you didn’t switch firms last year you probably know someone who did

By Melissa Shin |March 10, 2017

3 min read