
Cold, hard data for clients who like cold, hard data

Here's help for clients who check on investments daily

December 17, 2018

2 min read

Divorce can result in battles over spousal agreements

Problem highlights importance of prenuptial agreements

By The Canadian Press |December 13, 2018

3 min read

Dear reader: We apologize for this week’s web troubles

You may have noticed fewer newsletters landing in your inbox this week, and fewer news stories populating our home page. We have been experiencing some problems with our server that we hope are resolved. If, in the coming days, you still aren’t receiving newsletters, please continue to check for news articles. We’re also posting […]

By Staff |December 6, 2018

1 min read

Divorce negotiation strategies to protect your clients’ wealth

Advisors can help separating clients by maintaining emotional distance

By Nathalie Boutet |December 4, 2018

3 min read