
Taking your practice to the next level: Rich friends

One way to successfully cultivate a market is to know it inside and out. For advisors seeking to reach the elite level, this means developing a deep knowledge of affluent investors. North America has seen a substantial increase in the number of affluent individuals in recent years. Estimates on the size and growth of the […]

By John J. Bowen Jr. |August 12, 2005

4 min read

Mapping Financial Genes

(August 2005) The financial services industry is a peculiar mixture of art and science. Crunching numbers, analyzing stocks, poring over financial data – that’s the science part of the business. Building relationships, interpreting client needs, motivating clients to act – that’s the art. Is one of these more important than the other? I think so. […]

By Thane Stenner |August 5, 2005

4 min read

Timely template letter: Introducing insurance trusts

(August 2005) Many of your clients may already have some form of life insurance to help their families pay the bills should anything ever happen to them. But they may be concerned about the consequences of having those funds paid into their beneficiary’s bank account. Use this template letter to introduce them to the concept […]

By Staff |August 4, 2005

2 min read

Timely template letter: Help clients keep cottages in the family

(August 2005) Now that the summer is here, many of your clients may be spending their weekends at their family cottages. However, many may not be aware of the potentially large tax liabilities in store if the cottage is passed down to their heirs. Use this customizable template letter to bring this matter to their […]

By Staff |July 28, 2005

2 min read