
Volcker Rule essential: CFA

Banks may be fighting the Volcker rule, but industry professionals would welcome stricter trading regulation for large banks and institutions. In the aftermath of JP Morgan’s trading loss, Jim Allen, CFA, says the fact that a major bank was caught is good for your clients, with “arguments for a lighter-touch Volcker Rule now sounding hollow.”

June 26, 2012

6 min read

Why wills are not enough

Your clients are living longer. And, as a result, are more likely to face complex health issues. While they may have a will, it’s crucial to remind them that it won’t cover potential incapacity and all health issues. Read: Don’t assume your client has a will The number of seniors aged 65 and over increased […]

By Staff |June 25, 2012

2 min read

Biology says women are better traders

The same hormone that induces animals to fight and pumps athletes up for games also prepares traders to take on risk.

By Martha Porado |June 22, 2012

1 min read

LinkedIn profile crucial: social media expert

LinkedIn may have had a security breach, but it remains one of the most-used sites by professionals. Despite a $5 million class-action lawsuit launched by Illinois resident Katie Szpyrka—along with a filing by her lawyers claiming the site uses weak encryption formats and improper security measures—I have maintained my profile. And I’d bet most advisors […]

June 21, 2012

2 min read