
Woman submitted benefits claims for fake child

A long-term Costco staffer took advantage of her company-sponsored health insurance plan.

By Staff |February 20, 2013

1 min read

Merging separate columns in Excel

Within an Excel document, you can merge data from two or more columns.

By David Dagley |February 20, 2013

2 min read

Enhance transparency, loyalty through social media: ING

Leaders have to be passionate about customer communication, innovation and social media.

February 19, 2013

3 min read

Burger King’s Twitter account hacked

Burger King has suspended its Twitter account after it was hacked yesterday morning. The troublemakers tweeted obscenities and changed the company’s logo to McDonald’s, claiming it had been sold to its rival, reports Read more. Also read: Blogs enhance your online presence Overcoming social media barriers How to be a social media success

By Wire services |February 19, 2013

1 min read