
John and Leslie: Retirement Resource Centre Case Study

John and Leslie have worked hard to build a substantial investment portfolio - what can they do to maintain their lifestyle in retirement and help their children succeed?

November 15, 2013

2 min read

Advisor analysis – David Myers

It would be interesting to know whether John and Leslie acquired the non-registered savings by way of inheritance or personal savings. Based on incomes and goals, it seems as though more than John’s bonus has been applied to savings. Their solid financial base allows for adding expenditures for risk protection. They appear to be very careful and methodical with their financial decisions.

By David Myers |November 15, 2013

4 min read

Leverage social media statistics

Analyze statistics when creating or updating marketing plans.

By Melonie Dodaro |November 13, 2013

2 min read

When cohabitation agreements are inadequate

When retirees move in together, they need to consider how they'll handle end-of-life issues.

By Russell Drago |November 13, 2013

5 min read