
Advisor analysis – Bruce Campbell

Advisors have the ultimate responsibility of knowing the client and determining whether any particular investment product may be suitable for them. As a Sun Life Global Investments Wealth Sales Director, my job is to help advisors understand our investment funds and solutions so that they are well prepared to work with clients.

By Bruce Campbell |January 2, 2014

6 min read

How to answer, “What’s your minimum?”

You’re chatting with someone at a networking event and he asks what your minimum is. Giving the wrong kind of answer can turn a prospect off.

By Bryce Sanders |December 30, 2013

2 min read

Understand PoA requirements

Getting it right will spare your clients headaches down the road.

By Darren Lund |December 24, 2013

5 min read

3 tips to explain compensation

When explaining compensation, follow these three simple steps to ensure you cover all bases.

By Suzanne Sharma |December 23, 2013

1 min read