
Should clients file taxes if they’re bankrupt?

Roughly half of the people I see in our bankruptcy practice owe taxes.

June 2, 2014

3 min read

Divorce delays retirement plans

80% of “grey divorcees,” people who divorced at the age of 50 or older, say they will delay retirement because they need to work longer than planned.

By Staff |June 2, 2014

2 min read

8 phrases for tough conversations

People who bluntly say what they mean may be considered rude. The advisor’s dilemma is often how to get her point across without sugarcoating, while at the same time not seeming harsh.

By Bryce Sanders |June 2, 2014

3 min read

As easy as ACB: Understanding and tracking adjusted cost base with ETFs

Justin Bender of PWL Capital and Dan Bortolotti of PWL Advisors explain ACB reporting for ETFs

By Justin Bender and Dan Bortolotti |June 2, 2014

9 min read