
A tax refund isn’t a windfall: Golombek

Nearly 60% of Canadians are expecting a tax refund, with almost one out of four planning to use it to pay down debt.

By Staff |May 6, 2015

2 min read

What happens to inheritances in a bankruptcy

The last thing an aging parent or relative wants is for his estate not to be passed on as intended. But if an heir is bankrupt, what happens to his inheritance?

By Ted Michalos |May 6, 2015

3 min read

Should we scrap seniors’ discounts?

With half a million baby boomers turning 65 every year in Canada, the government could look at cutting seniors' price breaks.

By Staff |May 6, 2015

1 min read

How to build an effective compliance system

Regulators are paying increasing attention to firms’ compliance structures.

By Jonathan Heymann |May 1, 2015

3 min read