UK firm wants crackdown on index clones

By Staff | September 25, 2013 | Last updated on September 25, 2013
1 min read

British investors could have saved £3 billion in fees over the past five years had they invested in low-cost passive funds instead of underperforming index clones masquerading as active funds, says Gina Miller, the co-founder of SCM Private, the Financial Times reports.

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SCM Private is calling on the Financial Conduct Authority to investigate what it calls an epidemic in index cloning. The practice is when active fund managers charge fees to follow a benchmark like the FTSE All-Share, FT explains.

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In an examination of 127 UK equity funds, SCM found 46% could be considered index clones in disguise.

Read more here.

Also read: ETFs are the next generation of passive index funds staff


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