
3 reasons to invest in real estate

Clients looking for something more than a plain vanilla asset mix should consider adding real estate to their portfolios. It has three key advantages.

By Staff |September 16, 2013

1 min read

How to weight REIT ETFs

What is the appropriate weight for REITs in a portfolio?

September 16, 2013

2 min read

Getting tax back with ETFs

My colleague is always on the lookout for deals and bargains. Growing up in Saint Petersburg during a transitioning Russian economy made everyone resourceful. She and her family have used coupons to clean out stores, with the clerk paying her at checkout! She applies the same frugal approach to constructing core-and-satellite structures for taxable portfolios, and saves money by systematically harvesting tax losses using ETFs.

By Mark Yamada |September 13, 2013

3 min read

Build your own ETF

There's a new service for investors who want to create exchange-traded funds themselves, the Financial Times reports.

By Staff |September 11, 2013

1 min read