
The inefficient frontier

If you believe everything you read and heard in the media about the financial crisis, you would think hedge funds are responsible for the mess we currently find ourselves in. This is a myth that needs to be dispelled. When we examine what is occurring in the hedge fund industry, the truth is that we […]

By Tristram S. Lett |July 20, 2009

5 min read

Diversification is over-rated

If diversification is the only “free lunch” investors have, then what is over-diversifi cation? A sub-par meal at an expensive restaurant? Our industry has gone way too far with the diversifi cation mantra. We have run steadily and without constraint to a point where clients today own hundreds, and in many cases thousands, of stocks […]

By Tom Bradley |June 1, 2009

3 min read

Private equity firms batten down the hatches

Canadian equities have proven no place to hide during the financial storm, and that applies to firms operating in private markets too: venture capital, mezzanine financing and leveraged buyouts. And that storm whips up winds in all directions. Fundraising has dwindled as traditional private equity investors find themselves overextended. The general partnerships that invest the […]

By Scot Blythe |March 23, 2009

4 min read

Hedge funds expect regulation, added costs

This year is not going to be easy for hedge fund managers, according to a survey of the managers themselves. While almost all want to raise new investment capital, nearly 84% expect competition for qualified investors to be fierce, according to a survey by New York–based CPA firm Rothstein Kass. “Though hedge funds outperformed in […]

By Steven Lamb |March 9, 2009

2 min read