
The anti-benchmark

Market-cap weighting is the most efficient and cheapest way to tap an economy’s growth has long been under attack. First, it was in the seminar rooms of business schools, where persistent anomalies — the value, small-cap and momentum effects — defied the so-called market portfolio. Then it hit opposition on the ground, at least for […]

By Scot Blythe |October 18, 2010

5 min read

The dirt on clean tech

Generally, the alternative energy and solar sectors tend to do less well when the economy is slow. This is mainly because oil-based energy is cheaper and less in demand, so people aren’t as inclined to care about alternatives. We all remember when oil hit $140 per barrel — solar, wind power, and other alternative-energy companies […]

By Chip Brian |October 1, 2010

2 min read

Keep ETFs simple

I met a broker from Rochester at breakfast on the second day of an ETF conference in Albany, New York. I was a speaker on the first day and a moderator on the second, and was curious about the audience’s knowledge level and how the message was getting through. “Do you use ETFs in your […]

By Mark Yamada |October 1, 2010

4 min read

Target date funds not a cure-all

This Special Report is sponsored by: Left to their own wits, employees often exercise the same acuity in investing as they do in boosting their favourite hockey team. The stakes are chump change in a hockey pool. With a retirement fund, however, they are the stakes of a lifetime. With a defined benefit pension […]

By Scot Blythe |September 14, 2010

4 min read