
Wood you buy this investment?

Have your clients considered investing in timberland? If your answer’s no, that’s not a surprise.

June 13, 2012

4 min read

Why you should consider credit derivatives

On the surface, credit derivatives are no different from other products seeking to transfer risk from one party to another. The risk transferred is based upon the credit performance of corporations, sovereign entities or other types of debt obligations. These instruments initially arose out of a demand for hedging and diversifying credit exposures, just like […]

By Bud Haslett, CFA |June 7, 2012

1 min read

Investing in jewelry

Jewels and jewelry have constituted kings’ ransoms and motivated murderous coups. In peacetime, they’re desirable as investable assets, but more for beauty than intrinsic value.

By Vikram Barhat |June 6, 2012

5 min read

Vanguard only major ETF provider to have inflows in May in U.S.

New data from the ETF Industry Association shows the only major U.S. ETF provider that experienced inflows last month was Vanguard.

By Staff |June 6, 2012

1 min read