Horizons launches 2 actively managed ETFs

By Staff | October 11, 2012 | Last updated on October 11, 2012
1 min read

Horizons ETFs and AlphaPro Management have launched two actively managed ETFs: a core Canadian bond ETF and an emerging market dividend ETF.

They began trading today on the TSX.

Horizons Active Cdn Bond ETF (HAD) is an actively managed ETF that seeks long-term returns primarily through maximized interest income and moderate capital appreciation. It invests primarily in a portfolio of Canadian fixed-income securities denominated in Canadian dollars, including government and corporate bonds.

HAD is sub-advised by Fiera Capital Corporation.

Horizons Active Emerging Market Dividend ETF (HAJ) is an actively managed ETF that seeks long-term returns consisting of regular dividend income and modest long-term capital growth. HAJ invests primarily in equity and equity-related securities of companies operating in emerging-market economies.

HAJ will seek to outperform the emerging market stock universe by using a dividend stock selection process developed by the Systematic Strategies Team of the HAJ’s sub-advisor, Guardian Capital LP.

Name of ETF TSX Ticker Symbol
Class E Units Advisor Class Units
Horizons Active Cdn Bond ETF HAD HAD.A
Horizons Active Emerging Market Dividend ETF HAJ HAJ.A
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