Would your client like to try their hand at trading ETFs, risk free? Now may be the time.
Horizons ETFs Management (Canada) Inc. and National Bank Direct Brokerage (NBDB) have launched the eighth edition of the Biggest Winner trading competition, a simulated ETF investment contest.
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The competition gives eligible Canadian investors the opportunity to learn about trading in a risk-free environment while competing for real cash prizes. Registrants open a simulated online brokerage account with a balance of 100,000 virtual Canadian dollars (no actual money is traded). They can then use these fantasy funds to trade any ETFs listed on the TSX. Entry and contest participation is free.
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The competition starts today and runs for six weeks, ending at 4 p.m. (Eastern Time) on June 15. A grand prize of $7,500 will be awarded to the contestant with the highest six-week cumulative return, while the runner-up will receive $2,500. In addition, six weekly prizes of $500 will be awarded to each of the best single-week returns.
Thousands of Canadians participated in the previous seven competitions.
“Do-it-yourself investing is becoming more and more popular,” says Robert Girard, senior manager of business development at NBDB, in a release. “But to make the most of this approach, investors need to learn about this world and its intricacies.” To that end, he adds that the competition is “a great way for investors to get familiar with online trading.”
For full contest details, visit the Horizons ETFs website.
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