News and resources for Canada's top financial advisors
If diversification is the only “free lunch” investors have, then what is over-diversifi cation? A sub-par meal at an expensive restaurant? Our industry has gone way too far with the diversifi cation mantra. We have run steadily and without constraint to a point where clients today own hundreds, and in many cases thousands, of stocks […]
By Tom Bradley |June 1, 2009
3 min read
Market Insights
One of the great lessons of the current credit crisis is that risk is indestructible. When capital is invested in a long-term asset, risk exists, since the asset will provide value to its owner over a long period, while involving non-trivial acquisition costs. Investment in long-term assets necessarily involves forecasting, and the vagaries of forecasting […]
By James I. Hymas |June 1, 2009
7 min read
As the last vestiges of a rather cold winter come to an end, I wonder if the chilling price drops in equity markets may at long last be ready for recovery. At the end of February 2009, the S&P 500 index was 50% below where it was in March 2000. Since then, March came in […]
By John Nicola |June 1, 2009
4 min read
If you held the fixed-income fund that had the worst performance in Canada over the last year, you’d likely be disappointed by its 3.4% loss. But you’d certainly be more upset if you held Canada’s worst performing high-yield bond fund (which lost 34.7%) or Canadian equity fund (down 45.4%). With these returns in mind, it […]
By Esko Mickels |June 1, 2009
If the experience of the last four great bear markets is any indication, the economy and stock market have likely turned a corner, says author and bear market historian Russell Napier. However, we may still be five years away from reaching the absolute bottom of this market cycle. In 2005, Napier, a global macroeconomic strategist […]
By Mark Noble |May 19, 2009
5 min read
In one way or another, economic indicators provide some insight into the future direction of the economy. The experience of past economic downturns tells us that this interest is, in and of itself, a sign that some progress has been made at moving through the economic downturn and that we’re getting closer to better and […]
By Peter Drake |May 12, 2009
6 min read
We started referring to bad stock market years as Annus Horribilis at the end of 2001. But bad times are a necessary precursor to good ones, and with a bit of luck and planning, we’ll soon see our Annus Mirabilis (year of wonders). At the beginning of 2003, this is how we summarized our view […]
By John Nicola |April 30, 2009
There’s a lot of talk these days about TFSAs, to the point where it seems they’re more heavily advertised than RRSPs. I, for one, am somewhat lukewarm on the benefi ts of TFSAs. And I fear they’re destined to be over-hyped and under-utilized. For both clients and advisors, they require paperwork to set up; a […]
By Warren Baldwin |April 30, 2009
Risk tolerance is something many investment firms have routinely overlooked. But ravaged by recession, they are desperately looking for ways to create a better risk model. AER spoke with Meir Statman, the Glenn Klimek Professor of Finance at the Leavey School of Business at Santa Clara University in California, and one of the world’s foremost […]
By Mark Noble |April 29, 2009
10 min read
The mutual fund industry is inundated with misleading numbers. In particular, you’ve likely read an article or two that refers to some study that has shown how most actively managed funds have failed to beat their benchmarks over the long term. The inevitable conclusion would have been that everyone should buy low-fee, index-tracking exchange-traded funds […]
By David O'Leary and Brian O'Neill |April 29, 2009
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