News and resources for Canada's top financial advisors
Amid the hand-wringing that the merger of the TMX Group with the LSE would be a loss of sovereignty, a return of our old colonial masters, there’s another deal in the works that should knock the wind out of the assertion that this is an afront to Canadian pride. The Deutsche Borse, the operator of […]
By Steven Lamb |February 10, 2011
1 min read
Economic Indicators
A fragile recovery, high unemployment and household indebtedness make America a friend in need. But as a country known more for permanent interests than friends, the U.S. is being increasingly seen as a poor choice for friendship.
By Vikram Barhat |February 10, 2011
5 min read
Horizons BetaPro has announced the launch of the Horizons BetaPro COMEX Copper ETF, which the company says is North America’s first non-leveraged ETF offering exposure to daily price fluctuations in copper futures contracts. “In our view, using an ETF linked to the return of copper futures is the most direct and efficient way to invest […]
By Staff |February 9, 2011
Market Insights
India and China have the best prospects for economic growth over the next year, according to the 461 finance and business executives from around the world who participated in a recent RBC Capital Markets survey.
By Staff |February 7, 2011
2 min read
Market uncertainty has pushed retail investors to look for yield rather than returns, which has made fixed income investing expensive and potentially risky.
By Dean DiSpalatro |February 7, 2011
7 min read
Survey data released by RBC Dexia and Accenture shows a majority of fund managers expect their company’s return on equity to remain below pre-crisis levels, and many are placing more emphasis on cost reduction and product innovation initiatives.
Canadian investors remain cautious in their outlook on the markets, according to the latest reading of the Russell Financial Health Index. The index currently stands at 48, with no change since the last reading in Q3 of 2010. “The lack of change in investor confidence is common at this time of the year, due to […]
By Staff |February 4, 2011
The Indian economy is an elephant growing at 9%, making it a formidable beast in the global financial jungle, a financial expert from India recently said. An amusing parallel, but the pachydermal analogy actually makes a strong case for the world’s fourth largest economy as an investment destination of choice. “India is the country of […]
By Vikram Barhat |February 4, 2011
Canada’s mutual fund industry started 2011 on a high note, with net sales of between $2.45 billion and $2.95 billion, according to preliminary estimates from the Investment Funds Institute of Canada. Net industry assets totalled between $639.1 billion and $644.1 billion at month-end, an increase of about 0.94% from the end of December. These statistics […]
By Steven Lamb |February 3, 2011
Political upheavel in Tunisia and Egypt helped boost Canadian mutual fund returns in January, on fears that Middle East oil supplies could be disrupted, according to a preliminary report from Morningstar Canada. “Concerns grew that protests could spread to larger oil-producing countries and that supplies through the Suez Canal and Sumed oil pipeline could be […]
By Steven Lamb |February 2, 2011
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