
M&A activity surged in Q4

The Canadian M&A market continued its momentum into the fourth quarter of 2010, making it the third successive quarter of increased M&A activity in terms of both transaction volume and value, according to the Financial Post Crosbie: Mergers & Acquisitions in Canada database. Riding on the back of the announcement of 302 transactions, the value […]

By Vikram Barhat |March 14, 2011

2 min read

Export surge boosts Canadian economy

Solid net exports in the final quarter of 2010 helped Canada’s economy finish the year with stronger than expected gains, according to the latest Economic Outlook released today by RBC Economics. Net exports added 4.5 percentage points to the quarterly growth rate, the report explains. Consumer spending also played a vital role in driving overall […]

By Staff |March 11, 2011

2 min read

Long-term benefits seen in Mid-East unrest

Civil unrest continues to roll across the Middle East and North Africa, shaking investor confidence both for the impact on the Arab world and the global energy markets. The Gulf Cooperation Council has unveiled what has been dubbed “the Arab Marshall Plan” which will deliver $20 billion over ten years to Oman and Bahrain, two […]

By Steven Lamb |March 11, 2011

3 min read

Communication Equipment sector prospering

The Communication Equipment sector includes companies whose primary business involves the physical transmission of telecommunications and related network services, the production of telecommunications equipment, and the delivery of multimedia content through television and related telecommunications activities. This large and diverse sector contains vertically integrated businesses ranging from computer systems design and related services to wired telecommunications carriers.

By Chip Brian |March 11, 2011

3 min read