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Market Insights
The Canadian M&A market continued its momentum into the fourth quarter of 2010, making it the third successive quarter of increased M&A activity in terms of both transaction volume and value, according to the Financial Post Crosbie: Mergers & Acquisitions in Canada database. Riding on the back of the announcement of 302 transactions, the value […]
By Vikram Barhat |March 14, 2011
2 min read
Solid net exports in the final quarter of 2010 helped Canada’s economy finish the year with stronger than expected gains, according to the latest Economic Outlook released today by RBC Economics. Net exports added 4.5 percentage points to the quarterly growth rate, the report explains. Consumer spending also played a vital role in driving overall […]
By Staff |March 11, 2011
Civil unrest continues to roll across the Middle East and North Africa, shaking investor confidence both for the impact on the Arab world and the global energy markets. The Gulf Cooperation Council has unveiled what has been dubbed “the Arab Marshall Plan” which will deliver $20 billion over ten years to Oman and Bahrain, two […]
By Steven Lamb |March 11, 2011
3 min read
The Communication Equipment sector includes companies whose primary business involves the physical transmission of telecommunications and related network services, the production of telecommunications equipment, and the delivery of multimedia content through television and related telecommunications activities. This large and diverse sector contains vertically integrated businesses ranging from computer systems design and related services to wired telecommunications carriers.
By Chip Brian |March 11, 2011
Natural calamities like the earthquake and the resultant tsunami in Japan may bring untold misery in their wake, but commodity investors may reap the benefit of reconstruction efforts. As the reports of devastation started pouring in, the metals and minerals stocks on the TSX reacted by gaining 2.5%. The TSX’s reaction begs the question: are […]
By Vikram Barhat |March 11, 2011
The Toronto CFA Society has named the first recipient of their newest award, the Toronto CFA Society & Hillsdale Canadian Investment Research Award. The honour goes to Dr. Pauline Shum, finance professor at the Schulich School of Business, York University, for her research paper “The Long and Short of Leveraged ETFs: the Financial Crisis and […]
By Staff |March 10, 2011
1 min read
Reader Alert: Make your views known on the TMX-LSE story. Post your thoughts at the bottom of this story and vote in our poll here. With the right fiscal foundation, Canada can successfully meet the challenges of new domestic and global investment boom, according Jim Prentice, senior executive vice president and vice chairman of CIBC. […]
By Vikram Barhat |March 9, 2011
Connor, Clark & Lunn Financial Group has formed a new private equity real estate venture. Crestpoint Real Estate Investments Ltd. will offer institutional and high net worth investors with direct access to Canadian commercial real estate assets. Investors have the choice of pooled or segregated accounts. “For several years now, industry consultants have highlighted the […]
By Staff |March 9, 2011
Economic Indicators
Consumer confidence is higher now than it was in November of last year, according to the latest Harris/Decima-Investor’s Group Measure of Consumer Confidence. The upbeat mood also extended to their personal financial wellbeing and their short- and medium-term outlook—personally and for the Canadian economy. The overall measure of consumer confidence increased from 82.8 last November […]
By Staff |March 8, 2011
A recent CFA Institute Financial Market Integrity Outlook Survey shows that CFA Institute members in 8 of the 16 largest markets see derivatives as the most serious issue facing global markets. While 23% of global respondents ranked derivatives as most serious, 20% consider financial reporting and market fraud as the most serious issue facing global […]
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