
Horizons launches two new enhanced income ETFs

AlphaPro Management has announce the launch of the Horizons AlphaPro Enhanced Income Energy ETF and the Horizons AlphaPro Enhanced Income Gold Producers ETF. Each offers Canadian investors access to an innovative covered call strategy on energy and gold company stocks respectively. Both ETFs begin trading today on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the ticker symbols […]

By Staff |April 12, 2011

3 min read

Canada’s bank system good, but no role model

Some say it was good luck, others say it was good management that helped the Canadian banking industry slip through the jaws of global economic meltdown relatively unhurt. If you chalk it up to our sound banking system, think again. Experts say it is far from worthy of being an international role model. “I’m a […]

By Vikram Barhat |April 12, 2011

4 min read

Amid global turmoil, U.S. looks solid

Global investing remains important for Canadians, despite the fact that the world is becoming increasingly unstable. With risks ranging from sovereign debt and political upheaval to natural and nuclear disasters, one of the smartest places to invest might be close at hand. The U.S. economy, despite all its troubles, remains the world’s most flexible and […]

By Staff |April 12, 2011

3 min read

POS creates market for services

MoneyMate, a provider of investment data quality management solutions, has announced enhanced capabilities of DataManager, which will help Canadian clients comply with pending regulation surrounding POS Disclosure for mutual funds. By July 2011, mutual funds in Canada must be fully compliant with Point of Sale Disclosure regulations which require manufacturers to provide a “Fund Facts” […]

By Staff |April 11, 2011

2 min read