
Net stocks trending up

People are using more information than ever before. What types of companies will find new growth opportunities in this rapidly changing ecosystem? The challenge is not just in understanding the technology, but also the fundamental shifts in human communication behaviour.

By Chip Brian |August 1, 2011

2 min read

ETFs: The teenage years

The Canadian exchange-traded fund (ETF) market has reached adolescence, and hair is starting to sprout on its chin.

August 1, 2011

3 min read

Hedge funds struggling in June

Hedge funds continued to struggle in June as volatile market movements created a difficult trading environment, according to a commentary from Man Group plc, a London-based alternatives investment management firm.

By Staff |July 25, 2011

2 min read

Key risks to retirement income – Part 1

The debt crisis in Europe, slowing growth around the world, uncertainty surrounding the U.S. deficit – I think we can all agree that there are plenty of client questions out there to keep us busy. In all parts of life, there are things that we can control and there are things that we can not, and financial planning is no different. Showing your clients how to differentiate between the two helps move the conversation from questions to solutions.

By Peter Drake |July 22, 2011

6 min read