News and resources for Canada's top financial advisors
Economic Indicators
The debt crisis in the Eurozone periphery and the political debate over the debt ceiling in the U.S. are a “hangover from a rip-roaring, pre-crisis party” in much of the developed world. In a reversal of fortunes, many troubles of the developing economies are now the plights of the developed world, according to Philip Poole, […]
By Vikram Barhat |August 24, 2011
3 min read
Manulife is expanding global investment options to advisors and their clients by launching 15 new funds.
By Staff |August 24, 2011
Vanguard Investments Canada has filed a preliminary prospectus with the Canadian securities regulators for its first suite of Canadian-domiciled ETFs.
By Staff |August 23, 2011
2 min read
Debt Crisis Update Despite its resolution, the U.S. debt crisis has dampened investor mood and battered the U.S. financial markets. Fear continues to stalk various asset classes across the board, none more so than municipal and state bonds. The proposed spending cuts at the centre of the debt deal could leave state and local governments […]
By Vikram Barhat |August 23, 2011
North Korea kicked off a four-day international trade fair in its northeast region, site of an economic development zone. We've got some more practical options for emerging markets investments, though.
The word 'albatross' is sometimes used metaphorically to mean a psychological burden that feels like a curse. Investors reacted as if cursed by the proposed European financial transaction tax tabled at a meeting between the French President and German Chancellor this week.
By David Andrews |August 22, 2011
5 min read
Market Insights
The Toronto Stock Exchange closed in a triple-digit decline as investors fretted about whether the U.S. and global economies are headed for another recession.
August 19, 2011
4 min read
Is modern portfolio theory dead? Perhaps, perhaps not, but either way it might not be doing your clients much good.
By Philip Porado |August 19, 2011
1 min read
Precious metals have long been considered safe havens in turbulent times and there appears no sign of this ancient preference changing any time soon.
By Staff |August 18, 2011
So how does one go about getting alpha? The only way is to get off the benchmark and loosen investment constraints such as limits on short selling, portfolio concentration, and types of markets and securities allowed in the portfolio.
By Guy Lalonde |August 18, 2011
6 min read
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