News and resources for Canada's top financial advisors
Canadians are increasingly interested in socially responsible investing, but not at the cost of capital gains, according to a study commissioned by Standard Life.
By Vikram Barhat |October 27, 2011
3 min read
Awareness of capital control tools and a road map for when they’ll likely be implemented can reduce uncertainty and help investors anticipate some of the structural changes that can impact cross border fixed-income portfolios.
By Vikram Barhat |October 26, 2011
Claymore is adding two more ETFs to its portfolio: the Claymore 1-10 Yr Laddered Government Bond ETF and the Claymore 1-10 Yr Laddered Corporate Bond ETF.
By Staff |October 25, 2011
2 min read
Accumulating enough money to retire with a 60% replacement income is great — unless you were planning to retire with 70%. Keeping the client on track for a 70% income is where an advisor can add value.
October 24, 2011
4 min read
Market Insights
In a remarkable reversal of fortunes, the BRICs countries may be poised to bail out the developed world.
By Mark Mobius |October 24, 2011
Paul Ehrlichman can't wait to see Greece finally default
By Bryan Borzykowski, Canadian Business |October 24, 2011
6 min read
For the most part, from a macroeconomic perspective, this week was "more of the same" as investors continued to deal with the ongoing economic uncertainty caused by the ongoing debt problems in Europe. However, there were some economic statistics that were better than expected, but investors remained conservative looking for more positive results in the future before changing their perception of the global economy.
By Gareth Watson |October 24, 2011
5 min read
There's nothing like a massive sell-off to spark renewed interest in equities, and the third quarter of this year appears to prove it. Horizons ETFs' latest quarterly Advisor Sentiment Survey found financial professionals remain bullish on stocks.
By Staff |October 24, 2011
The market volatility that swept through global equity markets in the third quarter had a severe impact on pension plans, according to RBC Dexia Investor Services.
By Staff |October 21, 2011
We live in very uncertain times where the operative word is caution. And being cautious means being forward looking, says Vinay Pande, chief investment advisor, global markets research, Deutsche Bank.
By Vikram Barhat |October 20, 2011
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