News and resources for Canada's top financial advisors
Economic Indicators
Find out what will weigh on U.S. equities in 2015.
By Melissa Shin |January 15, 2015
2 min read
Target wasn’t willing to wait six years to turn a profit, so it’s packing up.
3 min read
In early spring, dipping oil prices will be further tested.
By Sarah Cunningham-Scharf |January 13, 2015
Falling oil prices mean the federal government may not come through on its projected surplus in 2015.
By Staff |January 13, 2015
Market Insights
Timing markets is not easy. Convention has led to asset mixes that reflect the investor’s risk tolerance or desired level of return, based on historical results. Periodically rebalancing to that fixed strategic asset mix has become routine.
January 12, 2015
1 min read
Oil producers want to secure customers in Asia.
By Staff |January 12, 2015
Warren Buffett’s investments and his company Berkshire Hathaway, never fail to make news. But there’s more to how the billionaire accumulated his wealth than you may realize.
By Staff |January 9, 2015
Rising interest rates could affect the financial, real estate and utilities sectors.
By Sarah Cunningham-Scharf |January 8, 2015
Hong Kong developer Kaisa Group Holdings failed to pay a HSBC loan last week.
By Staff |January 7, 2015
With low interest rates forcing bond investors to look for yield in riskier places, many investors are overlooking junk bond deals’ fine print
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