Market Insights

3 reasons to pull back on U.S. equities

Find out what will weigh on U.S. equities in 2015.

By Melissa Shin |January 15, 2015

2 min read

Target ditched Canada — should shareholders ditch Target?

Target wasn’t willing to wait six years to turn a profit, so it’s packing up.

By Melissa Shin |January 15, 2015

3 min read

Demand for oil will drop in Q2

In early spring, dipping oil prices will be further tested.

By Sarah Cunningham-Scharf |January 13, 2015

2 min read

Falling oil prices may hobble federal tax cuts

Falling oil prices mean the federal government may not come through on its projected surplus in 2015.

By Staff |January 13, 2015

2 min read