
Clearing the DI sales hurdle

Disability income (DI) insurance isn’t the sexiest or most lucrative offering in an insurance advisor’s lineup. But DI is an important part of the puzzle for anyone who makes a point of offering holistic advice.

By Kate McCaffery |November 23, 2011

5 min read

Back-to-back annuities make a comeback

Annuities, those age-old stalwarts of longevity planning, have been popping up on the investment radar with some gusto recently, propelled by recent financial terrors and a renewed interest in consistent, reliable gains versus flash-in-the-pan returns that often quickly evaporate.

By Raf Brusilow |November 21, 2011

3 min read

Pitching disability coverage

Picture this: You have a client - 10 years away from retirement - who comes to you for retirement advice. You spend several hours, maybe a full day with him, going over many different retirement scenarios.

November 21, 2011

3 min read

Risk brings clients back to insurance

There's nothing like good a dose of market volatility to focus the minds of clients on risk management. While there are limits to the amount of protection you can place on their investment portfolios, the risks in their overall financial plan can be addressed with insurance.

By Raf Brusliow |November 18, 2011

4 min read