
How to get insurance claims paid

If disability impedes work performance, a claim can be made for cost of hiring additional staff.

By Al Emid |September 27, 2012

4 min read

Baby boomers don’t want modest retirements

Over half of baby boomers (57%) would rather work longer so they can maintain their current lifestyles as they enter retirement, finds a CIBC poll. Further, 24% plan to carry debt into retirement. Of those, 80% will carry debt throughout their entire retirement. This suggests they have no immediate plans to pay it off, and […]

By Staff |September 21, 2012

2 min read

Pensions turn to alternatives to boost returns

Almost half (48%) of defined benefit plan sponsors plan to increase their allocation to alternative investments as they seek long-term returns less correlated to public equity markets, finds RBC Investor Services. Further, this figure jumps to 88% for plan sponsors that have over $1 billion in assets. Read: Will PRPPs create opportunities for advisors? “Canadian […]

By Staff |September 20, 2012

1 min read

Why retirement’s now a moving target

There was a time when age 65 symbolized the finish line for one’s working life. A point where people dropped out of the rat race, traded their Oxfords for slides, and looked forward to engaging in leisure pursuits. But changes to CPP and OAS pension deadlines for late Boomers and early Generation X-ers is altering […]

By Staff |September 18, 2012

1 min read