
The price is high…for now

If your clients are healthy, don’t sell them permanent insurance—at least not yet.

By Melissa Shin |April 2, 2013

2 min read

Canadian insurers will face hurdles in 2013

Canadian life insurers are in a better position than their U.S. counterparts, but still face challenges.

By Staff |March 14, 2013

2 min read

5 types of insurance fraud

Educate clients about insurance fraud schemes.

By Staff |March 12, 2013

1 min read

Insuring seniors costly, but worth it

It’s a well understood truth that the best deal on life insurance can be had when the client is young and in relatively good health. But just because the premiums on seniors are much higher, the need for insurance in your golden years may still make it a good deal.

By Al Emid |March 4, 2013

3 min read