
Working through disabilities

How to safeguard inheritance

By Suzanne Yar Khan |January 17, 2014

5 min read

Byren Innes moves to PwC

Insurance industry specialist Byren Innes is now at one of the Big Four.

By Staff |January 15, 2014

1 min read

Stress-testing a will

Under the law, a person drawing up a will is free to make whatever will he or she wants to make. But while a person drawing up the will has the right to draft one according to his or her wishes, family members have the right to challenge and contest it.

By Daniel J. Dochylo |January 13, 2014

9 min read

Winter insurance tips

Water is the number one cause of insurance claims, ranking far ahead of fire and theft, says Intact Insurance

By Staff |January 10, 2014

1 min read