Industry News

Union economist blasts socially responsible investing

(January 30, 2003) Socially responsible investing is a contradiction in terms that tricks investors into feeling good about the capitalist system, says Canadian Auto Workers economist Jim Stanford. But Ethical Funds vice-president Bob Walker says SRI can make a difference, chiefly by providing access to company directors. “We will not overcome the elite by picking […]

By Toby Heaps |January 30, 2003

2 min read

Bankers set to rejoin CFP fold, insiders say

(January 30, 2003) After a five-year absence, the Institute of Canadian Bankers is ready to again join forces with the Financial Planners Standards Council and start supporting the Certified Financial Planner designation, sources say. The ICB and FPSC have not yet confirmed the move, but an announcement from the ICB is expected early next week. […]

By Doug Watt |January 30, 2003

3 min read

Securities regulators move forward on harmonization project

(January 30, 2003) Canada’s securities regulators today released a concept paper fleshing out the details of an ambitious plan to harmonize and streamline the country’s securities laws. The Uniform Securities Legislation project includes a national registration system for advisors and a provision to delegate national decision-making to a single regulator. Under the proposal, dozens of […]

By Doug Watt |January 30, 2003

3 min read

CSA chair calls for review of SRO system

(January 29, 2003) Canada’s self-regulatory organizations would benefit from a structure that encourages competition, says Doug Hyndman, chair of the Canadian Securities Administrators. Hyndman says he’s concerned that SROs are becoming monopolies, leaving dealers no choice as to what organization they work with. Hyndman was the keynote speaker today at a Toronto conference sponsored by […]

By Doug Watt |January 29, 2003

3 min read