Industry News

Don’t fear strengthened regulatory powers, industry told

(April 25, 2003) Members of Manitoba’s investment community were warned to brace for — but not fear — continued regulatory change at a “Meet the Regulators” conference yesterday in Winnipeg. Don Murray, chair of the Manitoba Securities Commission (MSC), told the 200 in attendance that increased regulation and checks and balances aren’t designed to hurt […]

By Geoff Kirbyson |April 25, 2003

3 min read

Fee-based flap flourishes in Talvest Town Hall

(April 25, 2003) A discussion on the merits of fee-based versus commission advice took flight this month in the Talvest Town Hall. A participant in the online forum argued that since the advent of the mutual fund and its various commission structures, clients don’t really know what they’re paying for, or where their money is […]

By Doug Watt |April 25, 2003

2 min read

Debt levels fall as governments balance budgets: Fraser Institute

(April 24, 2003) Canadian government debt is on the decline thanks to the recent focus on balanced budgets, according to a study released today by the Fraser Institute. Federal, provincial and municipal debt was $797 billion in 2001, down from $851 billion in 1996. However, the debt drop was more than offset by increases in […]

By Doug Watt |April 24, 2003

2 min read


Cette page appelle le pop-up….

By Staff |April 23, 2003

1 min read