Industry News

Challenge exam option introduced for CLU designation

(November 20, 2003) The CLU Institute is introducing a bridging program that will allow experienced advisors to obtain the Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU) designation by writing a single exam. The normal route to the CLU involves completion of the CFP program combined with three specialized courses. The challenge exam recognizes that many non-designated advisors have […]

By Doug Watt |November 20, 2003

3 min read

Advisor Forum update: Efficient prospecting key to being up in down market

(November 20, 2003) Although his presentation contained a few complicated spreadsheets, U.S.-based advisor coaching guru Bill Good had one simple message for attendees at this week’s Advisor Forum in Toronto: the secret to being up in a down market is not only to bring in new clients and new assets, but to do so in […]

By John Craig |November 20, 2003

2 min read

Advisor Forum update: Don’t over-insure when you can over-fund

(November 19, 2003) Sometimes a client seems just right for an insurance sale, with what appears to be far too much invested in fixed income assets or cash just sitting in their savings account. But Al Kinch of Desjardins Financial Security has been in the business for 33 years and advises against raiding a client’s […]

By Steven Lamb |November 19, 2003

3 min read

Advisor Forum update: Nick Murray sees rare opportunity for advisors in 2004

(November 19, 2003) The religious imagery of the title was well suited, as author and business coach Nick Murray delivered his lecture Opportunism After the Apocalypse with the zeal of a preacher in a revival tent. The congregation at Advisor Forum in Toronto soaked the sermon up in near reverential silence. “There are only two […]

By Steven Lamb |November 19, 2003

4 min read