Industry News

Market prospects viewed as favourable for 2004

(January 8, 2004) The investment world has changed dramatically in the last 12 months, with economies improving and stock markets rebounding. There’s a tug of war between optimists and pessimists regarding the outlook for 2004, says a top U.S. mutual fund executive. The plusses appear to outweigh the minuses in the year ahead, suggested Bruce […]

By Doug Watt |January 8, 2004

2 min read

2003 IPO market cooled after trust-laden 2002

(January 7, 2004) If 2003 seemed like a slow year for initial public offerings (IPO), it was only in comparison to a strong 2002, according to the annual PricewaterhouseCoopers report on IPO activity. While the number of IPOs was down 20% from the previous year, this was largely due to the strong demand for new […]

By Steven Lamb |January 7, 2004

2 min read

Public opinion steers economy, says pollster

(January 7, 2004) The views of Canadian consumers don’t count for much when economists do their annual number-crunching and forecasting, but pollster Michael Marzolini believes that public opinion is a significant economic driver. Marzolini, chair of Pollara, presented the results of his firm’s annual economic survey this morning in Toronto, accompanied by a blue-ribbon panel […]

By Doug Watt |January 7, 2004

2 min read

Dollar remains a concern for 2004

(January 6, 2004) Economic forecasts for 2004 have been virtually unanimous in their tempered optimism, but another caveat is repeated as well — the soaring dollar. The loonie is expected to remain at historically high levels versus the U.S. dollar, as the American cousin languishes against virtually all currencies in the developed world, but the […]

By Steven Lamb |January 6, 2004

3 min read