Industry News

OSC bows to pressure on disclosure of investigations

(October 21, 2004) Ontario’s securities regulator, which has in the past refused to confirm if a company or individual is under investigation, is backing away from that strict policy, today publishing guidelines for staff to use to decide whether it is appropriate to disclose an ongoing investigation. “Investors and our markets are best served when […]

By Doug Watt |October 21, 2004

2 min read

Canadians not saving enough, survey confirms

(October 21, 2004) Only 42% of Canadians have stashed away “rainy day” money and three-quarters say they would have enough cash to last only three months if they were without a regular source of income, according to a study released today by Scotiabank. “The good news is that Canadians are saving more than Americans,” says […]

By Doug Watt |October 21, 2004

2 min read

Advisors struggling to service HNW clients

(October 21, 2004) Although mutual funds remain the dominant choice for Canadian investors, fund-only advisors catering to high-net-worth clients are worried about being able to compete as those clients gather more assets. Advisors recognize that it is becoming increasingly difficult to adequately service HNW clients without offering individual securities, says Keith Sjogren, head of Taddingstone’s […]

By Doug Watt |October 21, 2004

3 min read

Global economy slowing: Scotiabank

(October 20, 2004) The global economic recovery that was much-touted in 2003 is facing pressure on several fronts, as countries adjust to soaring commodity costs and increased currency volatility, according to Scotia Economics’ Global Outlook report. But the report says that the North American economy will lead the world in 2005. “NAFTA will lead the […]

By Steven Lamb |October 20, 2004

3 min read