Industry News

CAs urged to speak up on governance rules

(March 23, 2005) Canada’s business leaders have a unique opportunity to help set the rules for internal controls and reporting, but they are running out of time to voice their opinions, according to the head of a major accountancy group. “There is a ‘new normal’ making its presence felt across corporate America and we here […]

By Staff |March 23, 2005

3 min read

Record profit for IDA firms

(March 22, 2005) Securities dealers earned a record $3.9 billion in 2004, the IDA says in its latest industry report, as small retail firms outperformed their larger integrated cousins. The year was book-ended by two record quarters. Firms made $1.2 billion in Q1 and $1.1 billion in Q4. Revenues rose to $3.3 billion in Q4 […]

By Doug Watt |March 22, 2005

2 min read

The outlook for Canada’s provinces and beyond

(March 22, 2005) In the next couple of years, economic growth in many countries will be dependent on domestic demand while the U.S. dollar stabilizes. Business and consumer spending are going to buoy the Canadian economy in 2005, the dollar will likely finish the year around 80 cents US and the Bank of Canada will […]

By Kate McCaffery |March 22, 2005

4 min read


(March 24, 2005) Quebec’s securities regulator, l’Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), has succeeded in having a man jailed for 10 days for failure to comply with an order to cease distribution of investment contracts. A Superior Court justice ordered Michel Maheux incarcerated and fined $4,500, with his firm, Coopérative de producteurs de bois précieux Québec […]

By Staff |March 21, 2005

7 min read